Why people love us!

Get an instant quote

See your options with multiple personalized coverage plans to choose from before you apply.

Apply in under 10 minutes

Choose your plan and get coverage in about 10 minutes with no medical exam — just a few health questions.

Flexible coverage

Get anywhere from $20,000 to $2 million in life insurance protection. Choose between 10-, 15-, 20-, and 30-year terms.

A+ Rated Carriers

We work with the industry's top life insurance carriers with A+ (Superior) ratings from A.M. Best for insurer financial strength.

Fast process

Our 100% online and hassle-free process makes it easy to apply. What traditionally took weeks can now be done in minutes.

Guaranteed Coverage

95% of all applicants qualify for insurance and you're guaranteed to be approved if you're between the ages of 66 and 85.

Instant Term Life Insurance Coverage!

Get Started

Take the first step towards protecting your family and apply for life insurance online

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